Pretty in Pink

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Wow! I am shocked that one stupid, little, insignificant e-mail can evoke such emotion from me! But let me tell you... It most certainly did!

My boss just sent an e-mail with an "updated" summer schedule for all of the coaches. Before, I had 27 hours at the pool. Which is a lot considering all of the administrative work I do at home. I probably do at least 30 hours of that a week. I wasn't thrilled with the original schedule, but I was okay with it. The hours were fairly evenly dispersed among the staff and it seemed reasonably fair.

Well, this new schedule not only has me working MORE hours than the original one, it also has me working more hours than any other staff member! I feel like my boss is punishing me because I am quitting. I don't know, I'm totally pissed! Two of the other coaches have quite a few hours, but then three have more than 10 hours a week less than me! Including my sister who only has 18 hours at the pool. She's not too happy about that one either. She was assuming she'd start on salary (which is what I did right after I graduated). But these low hours indicated that he's going to pay her hourly. She can't afford that, she has bills to pay (and a crazy landlady who will want a rent check!) Haha!

Anyway, it's total crap and I don't know what to do. Part of me thinks that I should ignore it because it's my last summer and there is no need to ruffle any feathers on my way out. But, on the other hand... I know that this is totally wrong and I should stand up for myself. And then, there is the part of me that wants to say, "You just blew your last chance buddy, I'm gone in 2 weeks! Find a new coach and see if you can even make it through the summer!"

Gah! I am so irritated... I apologize, but I felt a need to vent...


At 4:38 PM, Blogger Greg said...

In the immortal words of Johhny Paycheck, tell him to take...wait, that wouldn't be right.

The proper adult answer is probably to ask him about it and see what he says. Otherwise, you could always get "sick" and have to give Beth some of your hours.


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