Pretty in Pink

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Louder than Words

I always find it particularly odd when something comes up again and again in the same day. Today's theme: Actions speak far louder than words.

The first sighting... I was reading "The Sisterhood of the Traveling pants." The book is broken up into little sections and there are quotes in between them. Well this quote was in there. I've heard it before, but I think I just really let it sink in this time.

"What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

The second sighting... I get Bible verses e-mailed from KLOVE every morning. They mostly just repeat the same verses over and over, but I still like the gentle reminders. Here is today's verse.

"Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions."
- 1 John 3:18

When I used to read that first quote, I always thought about it in the positive sense. Meaning, people will notice our actions if we do the right thing. We don't have to just say it. As I've gotten older, the way I think about that quote has changed. Now I realize that I can't just say things, my actions have to back what I'm saying up.

As I thought about it again today, I started thinking about it in another way. I started thinking about the use of the phrase, "I love you." I hear those words from so many people, but how many people follow that up with action. Then, when I read the Bible verse, that made me think even harder. It's the same thing. Anyone can tell me that they love me. But how many of them will do something to show me that they love me.

I would say that most people are pretty good about showing it when it's convenient for them. But a precious few show it when it takes work. It's far easier to do what they want to do or see the people they want to see. It's so easy to get caught up in excuses. I sometimes feel like that's all I hear.

So today, my resolution is to stop using the phrase, "I love you," unless I know that I will back up my words in actions. I think it's far more hurtful to say it and not mean it, than to not say it at all. However, once I know that I mean it, and can back it up with actions, then I want to say it as often as possible. You can never hear it too much.

Today's Tidbit: I really, really, really hate Valentine's Day.


At 12:51 PM, Blogger justabby said...


i'm so ready to see everyone...but i've still got the nervs...............i'm not like that

At 2:34 PM, Blogger Mac Man said...

How can you hate Valentine's Day when there is so much chocolate in the stores just sitting there calling your name? Mmmm, chocolate...

What were we talking about again? :-)

At 11:23 PM, Blogger A. Bauer said...

I'm not a huge fan of Valentine's Day either. I personally find a day that celebrates a beheading to be quite romantic....NOT.

A quote from someone's Myspace bulletin:
"Everyone should be loved like this every day. Then Hallmark had to go and make it occasional."


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