Pretty in Pink

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Spring Break is finally here!

So I was fortunate enough to spend my last two days before spring break with my choir kids. Oh gosh, I am just always so happy when I get to be there. I am just going to highlight some things. And yes, be prepared for total dorkiness! Haha :)

During first hour, I got to sit in the choir office with Mary and Leon and Ashleigh came down and Joe was in there for a while. We reminisced about swimming. And we got to hear stories from Mary about Treble Choir tour and "Our Town" and yeah, it was fun.

Treble Choir did the alphabet warm-up today. Lucy put up the entire alphabet (and pi to try another day) to help them with it. It's pretty tricky, but I loved it! And now it's in my head :)

Treble Choir started singing the song "America" from the musical "West Side Story" today. Lucy taught them all how to sing with a Puerto Rican accent. It was pretty much the highlight of my day.

Jehrid kept singing along with the Treble Choir from the office. He also kept tipping over in the chair. Oh, good times to be had by all!

Concert Choir ran through all of their Big 9 songs today. Two of them were absolutely amazing! I can almost guarantee that I will cry when they sing at Big 9 :)

Leon and Armando and another guy asked girls to prom today. It was pretty darn cute, actually. Without going into too many details, they got the girls called to the office. There was a note for the girls there sending them to the auditorium. Once in the auditorium, there was a table set up with roses and a cake that asked them to prom. Then, the guys came out all dressed up and asked them. They all said yes, I think :)

Lucy totally saved us during Panther Choir. Drew was gone and so was Laurie, the accompanist. That left Katie and me there to deal with all of the freshmen. Luckily, Lucy was able to go to her math class during 5th hour and then play for us during 7th. I felt bad cuz she came down and then only played two songs. But I definitely appreciated it! They would have been nuts without a piano at all. We wouldn't have been able to run through anything!

More and more of the kids are figuring out my name, so that's fun :) Tommy had to keep asking me how to say it, but I think he's got it now. I even got a hug today. Yay for hugs! Haha, it was a good day. And now, I am ready for a week off from school and swimming and pretty much everything! We're leaving for Vegas on Sunday and I can't wait!

Today's Tidbit: Apparently Lucy keeps her birthday under wraps. But I know it, and it's coming up soon! I'm really hoping I get to sub there that day because it'd be a blast!


At 12:39 AM, Blogger A. Bauer said...

Our choir sang "Not In Our Town" for contest....the whole "Our Town" part of your post reminded me of it....

It's a great song....

At 10:10 AM, Blogger uncle tim said...

where you staying in the V-town?

At 12:19 PM, Blogger Janet said...

I think we're staying at Bally's? Maybe?


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