Pretty in Pink

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Laughing with my sister

Laugh (verb): to express mirth, pleasure, derision, or nervousness with an audible, vocal expulsion of air from the lungs that can range from a loud burst of sound to a series of quiet chuckles and is usually accompanied by characteristic facial and bodily movements.

I love laughing. I have always loved laughing. I do believe that laughter can be the best medicine. I love laughing so hard that your abs hurt. I love laughing so hard that tears start rolling down your cheeks. And I love laughing so hard that you feel like you are going to pee your pants.

In the past few months, I have spent a lot of time laughing. A lot of the time we just crack up laughing because we say the exact same thing at the exact same time. Yesterday, we even said something with the exact same intonation and about died.

We also have our moments of laughing at "Jeopardy." A lot of the time we laugh at Alex and the really dumb things he says. Sometimes, we laugh at the contestants. It's usually when they are trying to be funny, but it's totally not. And sometimes we laugh because I answer really stupid things that don't even make sense. That's why I'm not the smart one in the family.

Of course, some of the shows we watch together make us laugh. We have the comedies, like "The Office," "The Class," and "Ugly Betty." We have reality TV at it's finest, "The Amazing Race" when Charla was in the suit of armor or bad performances on "American Idol" or just everything on "America's Next Top Model." And we have the shows that aren't really suppose to be funny, but we never stop laughing at like "CSI: Miami." Yay for Horatio Cane :P

Also, we have our inside jokes. My current favorite is something about a bear going to the dentist. And it did come up last night while we watched the Twins game. And we do always laugh when they talk about shanking people on "24" or in the commercial for parental controls on TV.

So, the moral of the story. I love to laugh (Yes, I clearly love a lot of things. Thanks to Tim and company for pointing it all out). I can't wait for TEC to start tomorrow because I am sure some hilarity will ensue!

Today's Tidbit: It was country night on "American Idol" last night! Yee haw! I was so excited that one of the contestants sang a Carrie Underwood song, it totally made my night. It wasn't the best performance, but whatever. I was also happy that we got to hear a Martina song, a Rascal Flatts song AND a Tim song! Heck yes!


At 2:21 PM, Blogger uncle tim said...

ha! I kind of forgot you were going to TEC this weekend. Hopefully people will make fun of you for loving everything...just to get you back for being the provider of "all things Flint & Steel" at the last TEC I worked. You're going down Youngers! I WILL DRIVE YOUR GO KART INTO A RAVINE! You hear me?! I will DO IT! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!

At 3:16 PM, Blogger Janet said...

Oh gosh, you're going to blame me for that, are you? And I don't know what I think about that threat since you already did drive my go cart into a ravine!

At 6:32 PM, Blogger Greg said...

This makes me wish for 2 things. 1, that we will indeed have a hilarity filled weekend (almost a guarantee). 2, that that pitiful performance by Sanjaya will finally get him kicked off the show. He's kind of creepy, and a terrible singer.

At 9:37 PM, Blogger Janet said...

Yes! Sanjaya is gone! Whoo hoo :)

At 10:36 PM, Blogger A. Bauer said...

Wait....a Tim song?? Did someone sing Flint & Steel??

At 8:46 AM, Blogger uncle tim said...

I bet that's what people think when they hear Flint & Steel songs. "That guy is kind of creepy and a terrible singer."

Good thing I kept my day job.


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