Pretty in Pink

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Childhood Memories

I just got home from lunch with a friend from my childhood. We were best friends, inseparable really, from the time we were about 2 until she moved to Austin when we were 8. For the first couple of years after she moved, we still got together and had sleepovers. She was my age, her sister is the same age as my sister, and then our brothers are about the same age too. We hadn't seen their family in 10 years until my brother's graduation party last month. It was so awesome to see them! We exchanged e-mail addresses and have kept in touch a little over the last month. She was in Rochester today, so we met up for lunch. It was so amazing to catch up a little bit and to reminisce over our childhood memories.

We also talked about college and she was actually friends with several people that I graduated with when she went to college. What a small world! Well, I had fun, and she's totally amazing! She's even letting me shower at her house for the upcoming TEC :) Yeah for having friends in Austin!

Today's Tidbit: I only got 1.5 hours of sleep last night. I kept almost falling asleep at the pool today. At one point, I almost fell right off the diving board. That pretty much would have been hilarious, but I'm glad it didn't happen!


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