Pretty in Pink

Monday, September 11, 2006

Do you people know the difference between rockets and rockettes?!?

Well, I finally did it! I took my first subbing job today. I kept hoping for "the perfect" job to take for my first time. You know, I had it in my head that it would be 1st or 2nd grade and it would at a school I like. Something like that. I turned down 2 subbing jobs last week. One was for elementary phy. ed. and one was for high school choir. I had told myself that I would sub this week, no matter what.

Well, last night a subbing job showed up on SubFinder. Ugh, high school choir again... I knew I had to decide fast! I was talking to Laura on MSN so I asked if I should take it. I knew what her answer would be, but I needed the encouragement. As soon as she said to take it, I clicked the little "accept" button and was in. I called into the system to hear the "special instructions" and found out that I'd be subbing for only one period, the Treble Choir.

I didn't sleep a whole lot last night. I did a lot of tossing and turning. I got up this morning, took a shower, got dressed, and headed up to Century. It was weird being back in the building as a teacher and not as a student. I talked to Lori in the hall when I got there, nice to see a friendly face. Then, I headed into the office. The first person I saw was my speech and debate teacher from high school. I loved her! She greeted me with a hug and I started to feel more at ease. I got my folder and a key and headed toward the choir room (which, I had never been in before!)

I was in the room and situated about 30 minutes before the class even started. Haha, oh well! I looked over the class list and noticed that one of my swimmers was in the choir. That helped too! The kids came in and were pretty quiet. The student director was really good, I didn't have to do anything! I felt so bad for her though. She didn't know that the teacher was going to be gone today, so she wasn't prepared. But she really did a great job!
The girls were good and paid attention pretty well. I got to sit there and listen. The funniest thing was that the piano player is my old piano teacher. So I got to catch up with her.

When that class ended, the teacher still wasn't back. The Concert Choir kids started coming in. The student director for that choir is one of our football players, so I knew of him. He did a really good job of getting everyone settled and into warm-ups. Another couple of students helped me take attendance. I stood there and listened as they started practicing their first song. They were amazing! Shortly after that, the teacher came back and I got to leave.

It was a pretty easy first day. It feels amazing to have finally done it! I think it'll be easier the next time, and then hopefully even easier after that! Thanks to everyone for the prayers and encouraging texts last night and this morning. I cannot tell you how much that meant to me!

Today's Tidbit: The Treble Choir sang the Star Spangled Banner. Lucy was trying to get it into their heads to say "rockets" and NOT "rockettes." It would kind of change the meaning of the song, now wouldn't it?!?


At 1:13 PM, Blogger Greg said...

Nice work, Teach.

At 11:57 PM, Blogger A. Bauer said...

[cough] Blue Earth [cough cough]


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