Pretty in Pink

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Is 3 the best number?

It is clearly the summer of the triquals. That's totally a made up word, but all is good. So far, we've seen Spiderman 3, Shrek the Third, and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (the third one). Later in the summer we're going to have Ocean's 13, The Bourne Ultimatum, and Rush Hour 3. I haven't seen either of the first two Rush Hour movies, but I thought I better include it because it does fit the topic :)

Of the three that I have seen so far, I'd say that Shrek is the best. It was pretty funny. I enjoyed Spiderman 3 for what it was, but it's pretty much the same as the other two. And I really hated the whole Peter goes Emo thing... Grr... Pirates was decent. I really do hate that you can't think too hard about the Pirates movies. They are so inconsistent and they really don't make any sense. Plus, Beth and I had to re-write the ending to keep our sanity :P I am definitely excited for Ocean's 13 and The Bourne Ultimatum. And who can forget that in July we have the 5th Harry Potter movie and the final book! Whoo hoo!

Random Facts about yesterday...

* I went to bed at 5:30 in the morning. The sun was coming up, the birds were singing, and the morning news was on...

* It is much easier to write down all 50 states in alphabetical order once you know the song. I'm glad I taught myself the song.

* The Junior Group worked really hard at their workout.

* Parents take way too little of children to see Shrek. Seriously, what is wrong with people? Why waste the money?

* I saw one of my middle name twins at Pirates. Yay for Amanda!

* I had to kill a really gross bug that was on the ceiling. It left it's juice all over the place. Beth & Tim were freaking out.

* Best Week Ever was actually funny this week.

* The Soup makes me happy :)

* I love the Twins!

Speaking of the Twins... Onto my commentary on the game. I thought Baker pitched decently. It certainly was not as good as his last start, but I suppose they can't all be that impressive. Once again, our bullpen is amazing. Both Guerrier and Neshek did their thing. With all of the injuries, at least these two are stepping up. And Nathan picks up another save... Although, he's still not my favorite. Sorry.

On the offensive side of things... Well... We left a lot of people on base. Yikes! But, we won the game. So I can't really complain too much. Both my fiance and Hunter had an RBI and then Cuddyer hit a two run homer in the fifth inning. Which is why he's my...

Boyfriend of the Day: Michael Cuddyer

I wanted so badly to pick Tiny Superhero as my boyfriend today. I was so impressed with his fielding. Of course, I really always am, but I wanted to recognize him for it today. But once Cuddyer hit the homer, I just had to give him the nod... The day will come again soon for him though. Don't give up hope.


At 3:48 PM, Blogger A. Bauer said...

Nathan will always be my favorite in the bullpen....

At 4:40 PM, Blogger Janet said...

He's just been scaring me this year... But that could have to do with the fact that we haven't been giving him too many save opportunities. I hope it gets better!


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