Pretty in Pink

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Lovin' Kindergarten

Since I am sure you are all waiting with bated breath (or not), I figured I better blog quick about my afternoon in Kindergarten...

I'll start by saying that my morning really, really sucked. I cried for like an hour and then stopped and then cried some more when I told Beth about it. But then I had to get up and ready to head over to Bamber.

I got to help the kids make their Mother's Day presents (because there is no afternoon Kindergarten tomorrow), I got to read them their story for the day (which was really singing because it was to the tune of Old MacDonald), and we had some Spiderman cupcakes for a birthday treat. Brooke said it was one of the craziest days she's had all year and said she hoped she didn't scare me off. It was a blast! And I definitely know that this is what I want to do with my life.

Brooke is due in the middle of June, so there is a chance that she would need me to start at the end of this year. It's not very likely, but she wanted to make sure it was okay with me if it did happen. I didn't actually get to meet with the principal today because she wasn't there. Brooke told me that she thinks it's a done deal though. Hopefully I can sign the contract soon.

I'm really excited and I can't wait to (sort of) have my own classroom. I really hope this is a good way for me to get my foot in the door. And if any of you want to come visit my classroom next fall, you definitely should :)

Today's Tidbit: Matt's on his way home for the summer as I write this! Yay!


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