Pretty in Pink

Saturday, June 09, 2007


Steve was on the news last night. It was exciting. He was talking about the Century Senior Party. My favorite part of the interview was that he was wearing his Orca Staff shirt. Haha! Heck yes for free advertising. I also found one of his comments wildly amusing, but I won't go into that.

I didn't do anything today. Seriously, pretty much nothing. I did, however, take time out of my clearly busy schedule to watch the Twins game. I was so excited that we didn't give up a run in the first inning. And then I was excited when we took an early lead. But that was pretty much all I could get excited about today.

Boyfriend of the Day: Michael Cuddyer

He had yet another outfield assist. I think that brings the total to 13, the next closest to him in the AL is at 9. Yeah, and he's totally underrated. I just do not understand why Baseball Tonight and SportsCenter never talk about him. Seriously, it's getting annoying. Whatever, he's amazing.

After the Twins game, Beth and I watched the Belmont Stakes. It was freaking sweet. We were routing for Rags to Riches because we wanted a filly to win. I was screaming at the TV. It was muy exciting when she won :)

Alright, that's about all I've got. I will most likely be hitting up an open house tomorrow, so maybe I'll have some exciting story from that to tell you about. Probably not, but we can hope.


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