Pretty in Pink

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Stupid Drivers

So there I was [where were you?]. I was on my way to Soldier's Field Pool to coach the Gold Group this morning. I was driving south on Broadway and I got to the intersection with Civic Center Drive. Now, at this intersection, there are rail road tracks. There is enough space for one car to fit between the intersection and the tracks, but only one car. There are signs that tell you DO NOT PARK ON TRACKS!

Alright, so I got to the intersection just as the light turned red. I pulled forward to the crosswalk and stopped. I then noticed that a train was going to be coming. I knew I was fine because I was well off the tracks. But then some old guy pulled up behind me. He was stopped square on the tracks. It took him a minute or so to even realize there was a problem. He then kept inching towards me and honking his horn. I tried to move as far forward as I possibly could without being too much in the intersection.

Well, to make a long story short, I apparently didn't do enough for him so he rear-ended me and pushed me into the intersection. Then I had people driving the other way honking at me for being in their way. Grr! I was so irritated. So the light finally turns green (after the train goes by) and the jerk speeds off down another street. On the positive side of things, good think I have a plastic car so he just sort of bounced off :P

In other news... I totally forgot to tell you all yesterday that my incredibly smart sister tried some of Howie's puppy ice cream. I told her that it was like eating dog food. She said it tasted like dog food.

And an update... A few weeks ago, Howie got a hold of my bra and chewed it all up. Even though it was pretty funny, I was really upset by the whole thing. My sister happened to tell my parents about it and they felt bad for me because I said that I couldn't afford to buy a new one (Haha, yeah, poor college student. Oh wait, no, poor college graduate?). Anyway, today my mom bought me some new bras. Have I mentioned lately that I love my parents. I really, really do :)

My Wicked Weekend starts in two days. I'm uber excited. The curtain goes up in about 77 hours. Heck yes! I cannot wait.


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