Pretty in Pink

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Am I really old enough to be a "chaperone?"

I spent the weekend in Owatonna chaperoning a lock-in at Good Shepherd. I do not feel like I'm old enough to be a "chaperone." Of course, I did have Brandon tell me today that I looked like a 12 year-old, so then that really makes me feel unqualified for the job :P

I got to the church right at 7 last night. When Mariah got there a little while later, we decided that we needed Starbucks so we left quick. People played "Apples to Apples" and cards for the first part of the night. The band got together and practiced in the sanctuary and the sound guy came to do a sound check. I got to run the slides and make sure everything matched up. What Mariah? It's all about Jews?

Around 10 o'clock, Laura decided it was time for her relay race. The part that I supervised was people coming in and having to get a Cheeto off of a plate of whipped cream using only their mouth. It was nasty, but I did get some funny pictures. The best was when people grabbed Cheetos that had already been in someone's mouth. Ick!

Then we played "Lynch Mob." We played with the full 22 people (plus a moderator). It's still the best game ever. I got to be a criminal in one game. One of the other criminals got killed by Typhoid Mary right away and then the other one had to leave me to play guitar. But I had them all convinced that I was the deputy and I won the game. Yay!

The other Laura activity of the night was a competition between Me & Ben and Shayla & Brandon. The boys sat in chairs and then Shayla and I had to cover their faces in whipped cream and then throw Cheetos on them. Ben & I won, of course :) Sorry boys! It was all Laura's idea!

Emmalee gave her talk for me since I can't hear it at the weekend :( It's amazing and I love her. We came downstairs again in time for Laura's devo and then everyone cleaned up for the night. Mariah, Emmalee, Jill, and I locked ourselves in the music room and talked until 4 o'clock this morning. Jill is freaking hilarious when she talks in her sleep. How much are Popsicles again? We had two alarms set, but neither went off. We woke-up about 5 minutes before we had to have our cars moved, but that's okay. We still had plenty of time.

The services went great today. It was really fun to all be there together. The Children's message was probably my favorite. Props to Levi and Brandon for being amazing chickens and Aaron was the best monkey ever! In the 10:30 service, they scared two little girls back to their parents. I could not stop laughing. Oh, good times.

One of the readings today was from Isaiah 66:10. It says, "For this is what the Lord says: 'I will extend peace to her like a river, and the wealth of nations like a flooding stream; you will nurse and be carried on her arm and dandled on her knees.'" We could not figure out what dandled meant. I asked Beth. It means bounced. Good to know, eh?

Basically, it was an uber fun weekend! When's the next one :P


At 11:23 PM, Blogger A. Bauer said...

Pretty sure it's Friday/Saturday in 2 weeks....

At 5:13 AM, Blogger Janet said...

Pretty sure I'll be in Chicago :(

At 1:49 PM, Blogger Mac Man said...

And I thought there was going to be a Friday and a Saturday this week too! Guess I was wrong...


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