Pretty in Pink

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


I think it says something when you can have a total blast at a Twins game even when we lose. I once again had a wonderful time with Lucy. I honestly don't even know where to begin. I pretty much love how we don't shut-up. We talk non-stop almost the entire time that we're together. And we're incredibly random. Our conversations jump all over the place, but it's a good time.

If either of us ever win the lottery, or get rich in any other way. We have lots of fun stuff planned together. Some of them might not actually require us getting rich, so maybe there is some hope :P

Lucy & Janet's Plans o' Fun
#1 - Go to London and see every musical there is!
#2 - Go to Baltimore for a month and people-watch. Possibly also squeeze in some Twins games.
#3 - Road Trip around the country and watch Twins games at other ballparks.

Um, I can't remember if I'm missing anything else. I probably am. Pretty sure we'd have a blast doing any of those things! We also have all sorts of big plans that we have to do sometime... Lego reenactment (hopefully we can still squeeze this in this summer!), a Barn Dance, me going to visit her when she studies abroad (I better get saving!), etc.

And now, back to the game...

We encountered some very strange characters at the game. This woman behind us freaked out that a player had "thrown" his bat at our infielders. No, no, the bat broke, lady. During the game, Brooke called and left me a message. Her first line was, "Are you young and single and out for the night? It's a Monday night!" Haha, I laughed. She wants to get together with Laurie either tomorrow or Wednesday to start some pre-school starting stuff. I can't believe it's already time for that!

Like I said, the game was fun even though we lost. Silva pitched well, but we just couldn't get anything going. We had 4 hits, but never strung much together. Reyes was very disappointing. Good thing Neshekel came in and saved the day! And Rincon actually pitched like a human being in the 9th. I was shocked and perplexed.

After the game, Lucy and I headed out to the players' entrance and waited. We saw nearly every player leave. We even waived a some of them ;) Neshek was the only one who signed. Kudos to him for that! My pictures didn't turn out at all, but whatever. I still had fun. There were also some crazy stalker girls there. They knew all the players, the coaches, and some of the security people. They were talking about how they travel to all the games and stuff. One of them got corn from Joe Vavra and another one yelled at Nick Punto's wife. I think this enters into the realm of CREEPY! However, they did provide some laughs for us.

We learned some sad, sad news while we waited for the players... Jason Kubel drives a Hummer. I can no longer respect him AT ALL! Ish!

When we left the game, we found where we parked! We didn't even question which way we were going. I got a little turned around coming out of the ramp, but we made our way back to Washington and found 94. I was so proud of us :)

Boyfriend of the Day: Pat Neshek

For coming in and doing damage control and also for signing a few autographs after the game. We love you Neshekel!


At 9:40 AM, Blogger uncle tim said...

you do realize that according to you the "creepy" stalker girls do three things
1. wait by the players' entrance after games
2. travel around the country watching Twins games
3. yell at players' wives

So you already (or at least plan to) do 2 out of 3 of those things....interesting. ;o)

At 10:38 AM, Blogger Janet said...

I was waiting for that... We only waited once, I hardly think we will ever go to enough games and wait at them all for the players to know us. If that ever happens, we really need a life!

And if we travel around to watch the games (which will only happen if we win a couple of million dollars), we won't stalk the players.

The creepy girls also knew which cars everyone drove and were getting the players plate numbers. Isn't that like Stalker 101?

At 1:12 AM, Blogger A. Bauer said...

I already knew Kubel drove a Hummer....sorry I never told you....but does that make me a stalker??

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Janet said...

I can't believe you didn't tell me that! How did you know that? That will determine whether or not I think you're a stalker :P


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