Pretty in Pink

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Harry Potter Mania

Last night was a lot of fun. I had some people over for a Harry Potter party. We played some games like Harry Potter Scene It, Harry Potter Smarty Party (which Beth and I spent over 6 hours making!), and Harry Potter Lynch Mob. I thought all three games were pretty fun. I wish I could have played Smarty Party, but that's okay. Give it a few months, then I won't remember anything and can play it :)

We had a costume contest, but not everyone dressed up. Here's a picture of those of us who got into the spirit of things!

Alyssia (Luna Lovegood in her school uniform)
Sarah (Professor McGonagall)
Lucy (Luna Lovegood in her everyday-type clothes)
Ashleigh (Tonks!)
Me (Moaning Myrtle)
Matt (Roger Davies - The Ravenclaw Quidditch Player)

After we were done with Harry Potter stuff, we played some regular games. We played regular Smarty Party and Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture 2. I'm pretty sure I won all three :P We actually never finished Trivial Pursuit because it was 3:30 in the morning and we were dropping like flies. But Emmalee, Amanda, and I had all of our pies, we were just trying to get to the middle.

Emmalee, Sarah, and I stayed up talking until about 4:30 when we decided we really needed to go to sleep. We got up around 9 this morning. Sarah had to go home and get ready for work. The boys kept sleeping (they went to church on Friday night). And the rest of us girls got up and went to church. I'm really glad we went. First of all, Hebrews 11 is one of my favorite chapters in the whole Bible and that was what the sermon was on today. It was really good, at least I thought so. And I really like the pastor at this church, he's super funny. We said hello to Lucy and her dad and then left.

As we left church, the pastor greeted us. Here's how the conversation went:
"What brings you here this morning?" - Pastor

"Oh, well I live here and know Lucy, and they all stayed at my house last night, so we all decided to come here this morning." - Me

"Oh, well where are you all from?" - Pastor

"Winthrop." - Emmalee

"Winona." - Alyssia

"Nicolette." - Amy

"Iowa." - Amanda

"Iowa. That's a whole state!" - Pastor

"Well yeah. Um. Lakota?" - Amanda

"Oh, okay. Well it's nice that you could come and hear Lucy play. Come back anytime... Next time, bring ALL of Iowa!" - Pastor
We got home and E
mmalee and I laid on my bed and talked for almost three hours before we all decided it was time for lunch. We went to Fiesta for some Mexican food. At this point, it was Emmalee, Amy, Amanda, Brandon, Nate, and me. I walked in and the guy asked me how many of us there were. I said six and his response... "6 senoritas?" Haha!

After lunch, everyone headed back home. It was a wonderfully fun night and I can't wait to see everyone again!


At 10:34 PM, Blogger The Giesenator said...

I once again had a great time this weekend :) It was nice to get together with you before i move in, i liked it :D

At 12:10 PM, Blogger Joel said...

Ah, cool.

I think I'd end up having to go as Goyle, or someone like that. Maybe Sirius or Lupin. Who knows. I don't really fit anyone else. Hmmm... What I really need is a Vader costume. :)

At 2:25 PM, Blogger Mac Man said...

You people scare me. I'm soooooo glad I'm not into anything as geeky as you guys! ;-)

At 5:10 PM, Blogger Greg said...

Who's Harry Potter? Is he like a presidential candidate or something? I can't keep track of them all.

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Janet said...

Haha! I actually had up a "Harry Potter for President" sign at the party. Oh wait, it's still there.

At 7:58 PM, Blogger Sarah B. said...

oh my goodness, I have to say I had a fantabulous time on Saturday night! Janet throws a great party.


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