Pretty in Pink

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I did it!

Well, I finally spent a day in an elementary classroom. I subbed for my 1st grade teacher (who now teaches 2nd grade). I realized while I was there that I had her as a teacher 18 years ago. How crazy is that?!?

I called Lore yesterday afternoon to talk to her. She warned me that she had "the class from hell." I was pretty much freaking out. Those of you who saw my texts, can testify to my mood last night. As I headed for school this morning, I kept praying for God to give me patience. I prayed that I could just be myself, be approachable, and have fun with the kids. I also knew that I had a lot of people praying for me, which helped immensely!

I got to school about 45 minutes before the kids came in. I looked over the lesson plans and got my act together to get ready for the day. I looked through the class list and realized that I knew 4 of the kids in the class. 2 of them swim for me now, 1 of them use to be on the swim team and her sister still is so I see her all the time, and 1 of them use to take lessons from me. Having them there was HUGELY helpful because they always answered my questions, and I knew they'd tell me the truth.

The day went much, Much, MUCH better than I had anticipated. The kids were so cute and sweet. They definitely liked to talk, which was a challenge, but I'll take that over kids that are mean any day! The hardest part of the day was the math lesson. I didn't completely understand it myself. So I just skipped part of it. My favorite thing about the math lesson was that we did a worksheet that had grocery store items on it and how much they weighed. One of the things was a bag of flour. The kids then had to draw these items on a balance. They were all drawing flowers. So cute!

When it was time to go home, they all said that I just have to come back. They gave me High-5s and some of the girls wanted hugs. It was really a good day, and I do hope that I get to go back. I'd sub for this "class from hell" any day :) Next time, I'll have to find an old picture of when I was in Lore's class to show them. The day definitely reminded me why I went into teaching, and why I am not giving up. I'm going to keep at this and find a teaching job. Somehow, some way, somewhere. Thanks again for all the support, encouragement, and prayers! It does mean the world to me!

Today's Tidbit: The 2nd graders kept asking me if we could turn on the Twins game. I had to explain that we didn't play today, but that we play again tomorrow. I guess Lore has let them watch the last two games. I love it!


At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurray for Janet! Way to be a great teach.

At 3:29 AM, Blogger A. Bauer said...

The clock is counting down....not much time left to teach my communications class....

Any day now, Janet....


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