Pretty in Pink

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

TEC #65... A Top 10...

Oh man, this past weekend was amazing! There are just so many memories to choose from. I could say so much about TEC #65, but for now I made a Top 10 that I'm fairly satisfied with, so here you go!

10 - Alien Invasion! It really was a great theme!

9 - Randomness in the halls on Friday night... "You are my sunshine," "... The least you could do is shut-up and go to sleep!"

8 - All the nicknames (The Big Deal, The Real Deal, Cue Ball, etc.)

7 - Straightening my hair... Ok, so it's not really that... It was the conversation going on while that was happening. Who knew that so many people would need to straighten their hair?

6 - All the Flint & Steel references! If anyone is interested in a shirt or a copy of their CD, let me know.

5 - The Wheat Skit! Glad I could be of assistance, Sarah...

4 - Getting to work with the best leadership ever!

3 - My sleeping room. Ah, I miss the talks already...

2 - Getting to serve on team with my candidates! Mariah, Kati, Brandon, and Joe, you're amazing and I am so proud of you!

1 - The candidates were amazing! I just can't say it enough. I would love to serve on team with you all!

Honorable Mention:

* The middle of the night cribbage game. I do love cribbage and all, but yeah...

* The camera incident... You know what I'm talking about...

* "Their room must be vibrating!"

* The glow-in-the-dark stars and all the other decorated candidate sleeping rooms. Sheer genius!

* Our nightly devotions and everything that happened after...

Today's Tidbit: I have now been at more TEC weekends as an adult than I was as a youth... I was at 5 as a youth and now 6 as an adult. As a youth I remember thinking that it'd be cool to come back and work as an adult, but that it would never be as good. Boy was I wrong! Thanks to everyone who served this weekend, it was truly incredible and I feel so blessed to have gotten to be a part of it!


At 10:35 AM, Blogger justabby said...

um...ya...i would love a copy of the cd!

the weekend had to be good i haven't heard a bad thing from jill yet...well all but the fact that my air pump stopped on her and you guys had to try and rig something up for her.

At 11:03 PM, Blogger Sarah B. said...

Thanks for the help Janet. Clearly I couldn't have pulled that one off without you and I thought it went pretty well. It clearly was an amazing weekend! :) Woot!


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