Pretty in Pink

Sunday, October 15, 2006

"Are you gonna make it?"

I got to spend the day yesterday with four of my favorite people ever. My morning started pretty early and I headed to Owatonna to meet-up with Laura, Mariah, and Aaron. We then drove to the Perkins in Shakopee to meet-up with Nate. We ate breakfast and then headed to ValleyFair. Thanks to Nate for the free tickets! We went on some rides, played some games, ate some food. I had a fun day.

I did a lot of things yesterday that are not me at all. My siblings and parents can attest to the fact that I am the biggest scaredy cat ever. The last time I was in a haunted house it was at a place called The North Pole in Colorado. It's an amusement park for kids, so really, it could not have been that scary. But I started crying and my grandpa had to take me out of it. I haven't been back in once since. I HATE to be scared! I won't watch anything remotely scary on TV or movies and I avoid Halloween parties and haunted houses like the plague.

So yesterday, was a big day. We went through all 4 haunted mazes at ValleySCARE. I screamed a lot. They really freaked me out. It is just not really my thing. But, I did it. And it was fun. We were starting to get cold, so we decided to go to a movie. Nate ran into a gas station to get directions to a theater. He came back out with "directions" to Trail of Terror. We started to follow this car, but they got lost. So then we had to get directions at another gas station. We then followed that same car when they pulled into a parking lot to some sort of nursery. I think there were 4 cars behind us that followed us in. It was pretty funny.

We finally made it and paid our $14.95 admission fee. We then waited in line for two and a half ours to get on the haunted hayride! I was so cold! The hayride was super short, like 10 minutes. I had been freaking out in line and stuff, not wanting to go on it. But I didn't even scream. The chainsaw guy was probably the scariest.

Well, it's time for me to go, so that's all you get. Have a good Sunday everyone!

Today's Tidbit: One of my favorite moments of the day was when the Haunts kept chasing Mariah. One of them pushed her into the Scrambler line and then wouldn't let her back out of it. And they wouldn't leave us alone until we hugged them. Ah, the memories :P


At 8:48 PM, Blogger Shayla Michelle said...

okay Janet, what ever you do, do not go the Haunted House in Kato that's behind Drummers. I went my 8th grade year... that same year I saw the Texas Chainsaw Masacre orginal... & I didn't sleep for a month after it. Well guess who was chasing me around the haunted house? The Texas Chainsaw guy. I was actually bawling my eyes out. I'm scared for life now. My friend Asher actually had to freak out on the guy who was chasing me cause I like couldn't take it. It was bad... wayyy bad.

At 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to a haunted corn maze last year, and it wasn't all too scary. Their was a chainsaw guy but he couldnt come that close to us. Overall the scarier part was wondering if something was coming, and not when they actually came

Hurray for fun though. And if I were a fan of pink, I'd say nice new background.

At 10:29 PM, Blogger A. Bauer said...

Wow....great times....


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