Pretty in Pink

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Harry Potter

At midnight this morning, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix opened. Oh my goodness was it ever exciting!

Laura, Matt, & Rebecca got here a little before 8. We got into our costumes around 9 and headed over to Kwik Trip to stock up on snacks. We definitely got some looks and people asked us why we were dressed up. Yay? We made it to Chateau about 9:45. Laura went up and asked someone where the line was starting. They told us just to sit at one of the tables on the side. We sat down at the front table on the far side. We played a rousing game of Loot, which I won, by the way. Yay, first time that's ever happened! At 10ish, some guy came over and told us we had to go to the other side because we were in theater 7. I was slightly annoyed by this since I'd been told that we could go into any theater and didn't have to go to the one on our ticket, but whatever. After some crowd control issues, we did make it into our theater.

I was really impressed that we were in our seats by 10:15. Although, it wasn't as fun to be sitting in there as it was playing cards in the lobby. Oh well. Beth and I went out to get our free popcorn and realized that the other side hadn't gotten to go in yet. Too bad for them!

I texted Lucy to see which theater she was in and it was the same one we were in. Yay for Theater 7! Anyway, we ended up saving seats for her. She called me just in time, they were the last two seats in our row because some guys came and took the whole other half of it. Anyway, it all worked out.

The movie was amazing. I really enjoyed it! Especially considering that 5 is not my favorite book. I have a feeling that when I reread the book though, I'll like it a lot more. Some highlights from the movie were Luna (perfect casting, super funny!), the final battle scene (amazing!), and a whole bunch of other stuff too! I won't put too much in here as I'm sure a lot of people haven't seen it yet. I'm ready to go again. Perhaps in IMAX?

Anyway, the night was amazing. My friends are amazing. Yay for dressing up. "I'm free!" I loved everything about it.


At 11:54 PM, Blogger Mac Man said...

So many movies to see, so little time. I'm falling way behind, and it looks like this one is going to have to wait for DVD. Or cable. ;-)

Actually, I've seen the first 2 movies I think. Someday I'll watch the rest. Perhaps when I retire.

At 8:12 AM, Blogger Greg said...

So who did you dress up as? Hermione? Professor McGonagal? Maybe Hagrid or Dobby? Come on, don't leave us in suspense!

At 8:47 AM, Blogger uncle tim said...

I wouldn't waste your time on iMax. I went to the last one at iMax, and it was lame-o. First of all (okay, I probably should have figured this out, but I didn't so GET OFF MY BACK ALRIGHT?!)they don't even use the whole screen...just a little strip in the middle!!! Secondly, your head gets tired having to look back and forth to see all the action...yes, it's actually TOO big.

Can't wait to see it...and you're a dork for going at midnight by the way. Ohh, I could have gone as Dobby!

At 12:11 PM, Blogger Joel said...

I'm rather excited to see it. Oddly enough, the fifth book is my favorite so far (I'm currently reading the sixth book, just in time for number seven).

At 12:49 PM, Blogger Janet said...

Tim - Get on it, kid! Holy cow, the first two?!?

Greg - I was Professor Umbridge, didn't I put that in an earlier post?

Tim - But the last 30 minutes are in 3D or something. I think it sounds cool. Plus, since I've already seen it, I might as well try something new :)

Joel - How can the 5th book be your favorite? Wow. Although, I have a feeling that once I re-read them, my order of favorites will change.

Woot for Harry Potter!

At 1:21 PM, Blogger The Giesenator said...

I am quite excited to see it. Laura is gonna bring me to the movie on Sunday, but she isn't going to dress up :(

At 1:53 PM, Blogger Joel said...

Hehe, who knows. It was the first of the books I had read before seeing the movie, so maybe that just made the reading experience better. Who knows. Which of the books is your favorite, anyway? :)

At 2:16 PM, Blogger Janet said...

Funny, we just talked about this at work this morning... As of right now, my order is 3-4-6-1-2-5. But, like I said, I have a feeling that will change once I go back and read them again. It's been 5 years since I've read some of them.

At 6:40 PM, Blogger Greg said...

Sorry, you're right. You did post it previously. I guess I saw something about the Twins and must have tuned out. Isn't hockey season about over? ;)


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