Pretty in Pink

Monday, July 09, 2007

A non-Twins blog. Shocking.

Today was quite the day. It was easily one of the most stressful days of my summer. I had a lovely little breakdown in my car on the way home from work. My poor mom had to calm me down via cell phone conversation and then she wanted me to call my dad. So then I called him and he couldn't even understand me because of how hard I was crying. Whoops. But I think I got it figured out. At least for the time being.

Anyway, the real point of this blog is how great things turned out tonight. I got to the pool this afternoon and checked my voice mail really quickly before I got in the water. Laura called and told me that she, Matt, & Rebecca are coming here tomorrow to go see the midnight show of Harry Potter with Beth & me. Woot woot! I am so freaking pumped. Words cannot even begin to describe how excited I am. And we're all dressing up. Well, all of us except for Beth. Matt's going to be Harry, Rebecca will be Hermione, I am dressing up like Professor Umbridge (because she wears pink and I have lots of pink), and Laura's going as Dobie. Haha! If any of you are at Chateau, look for us! You probably won't be able to miss us.

And, one final note. Kelly is getting an honorable mention tonight for being amazing and sweet and an inspiration to everyone she meets. I love her to death. She wants to be my B.O.D. so bad :) I told her that she isn't a boy and she isn't a Twins player/manager/coach/mascot, so she can't be an official one. So that's why she gets an honorable mention. Get it? Got it? Good.



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