Pretty in Pink

Thursday, September 13, 2007

This rain hurts!

Today was a crazy day. I couldn't do much instructionally because I had anywhere from 3 to 8 students gone at all times. They were finishing up my Baseline Reading tests. So it was hard to work around that. However, we managed.

The highlight (although I wasn't overly entertained by it at the time) was after school. I got my kids ready to go out to the buses and noticed that it had started to rain. As we got out to the sidewalk, it was pouring. By the time we got to the buses, I was totally drenched. Very few of my kids had coats because it hadn't been raining when they came to school. A few buses were there already, so I put the kids right on (normally they wait in lines until all the kids get out there).

I had three little ones who still didn't have a bus there, so we ran back inside for a few minutes. I walked one of my kids to the foyer to meet his dad and then went back to my busers. This time when we went outside, it was hailing. One little girl looked up at me and said, "This rain hurts, Miss Youngers. Why does it hurt?" Oh man, it was too precious.

I got my last three on their buses and headed back inside. I was so wet I had to wring out my dress before I went inside. The other teachers, the ones who had stayed inside, laughed at those of us who were wet. I immediately thought of Lucy and how much she enjoys laughing at me. I knew she would have laughed at me and that made me laugh at myself. I think it's a pretty fun story, really.

About 10 minutes later, it stopped and the sun came out. Nice timing. Haha! I decided I better run home and change. My original plan was to go right from work to Owatonna. Oh well, that's life. I had dinner at Applebee's and then had my Council meeting. It was so wonderful to see friends. Oh man, it was good.

On the way home, Brandon, Ben, and I rocked out to Stalin and the Shah and then called Lucy and left her a very lovely message :P Then we had a Disney sing-a-long. It was a good time. Not gonna lie. Then, I come home and find out that Kelly and Aaron are cooking me dinner on Sunday night. I'm so excited. Words cannot even describe how much I'm looking forward to it!

That's all for now, folks.


At 9:11 AM, Blogger The Giesenator said...

i am sad that i couldnt answer the call.. stupid Cashwise

At 11:42 PM, Blogger Sarah B. said...

I think you should have come to Owatonna without going home to change! I would have liked to laugh at you! :)

At 1:20 AM, Blogger Janet said...

Gee, thanks Sarah :P


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