Pretty in Pink

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Warm Fuzzies

So I'm in a weird and rather sentimental mood. I kind of think that I have been all week, really. So here's how this one goes...

I was in the car today and I was listening to the "Hairspray" soundtrack. Now, this is nothing new. I listen to it non-stop most days, but I was listening pretty carefully to the lyrics to the song "Come So Far (Got So Far To Go)." It definitely got me thinking about some things. So here's the part that really got to me.
Hey old friend, together
Side by side and year by year
The road was filled with twists and turns
Oh, but that's the road that got us here.
Let's move past the bad times
But before those memories fade
Let's forgive, but not forget
And learn from all the mistakes we made.
I love it! What I really love is that even though the roads we take aren't always the easiest. And they are sometimes totally filled with twists and turns and bumps and detours. They are still the roads that lead to where we are today. Oh goodness, I just feel like that's so true!

And now for the sentimental part...

To those of you who've stuck by me through all of my changing and growing, especially over this past year, or even past few months. Thank you.

To those of you have have helped me become the person that I am today. Thank you.

And to those of you who have loved me, supported me, and encouraged me through the twists and turns. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

I don't get to see most of you very often. But know that I miss you, that I'm thinking about you and praying for you often. And, most importantly, know how much I love you!


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