Pretty in Pink

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What sound does a giraffe make?

Today was another LONG day. I got home from school a little after 10. Yay? I feel a little more organized though, at least with my assessment stuff.

School was a little rough today. They did pretty well with painting their buses. We had some trouble with our book pages for "The Seals on the Bus." I gave up and started over about half way through it. And Centers was once again a struggle. I really need to give them more work they can do on their own, and less that I need to supervise. Although, starting next week, I'll have a CAP student at least some of the time. I'm thinking that will help. Maybe she can supervise my art projects. Ha!

Today when we passed Oink around our circle, we talked about friends. Then we wrote a letter to Lucy. It's pretty sweet, not gonna lie. We talked all about how to write a letter and then we worked together to decide what to tell her. It was really fun. Then, for one of their centers, they got to sign their name. I took it to the post office on my way home, so hopefully she gets it tomorrow or Thursday.

We had a brief Kindergarten team meeting after school to discuss assessments and goal setting conferences (only a month away - yikes!) At that point, Jessica and I went to run some errands and to Target to buy stuff to get us organized, and stuff she needed for her classroom. While we were at Target, we realized that we both needed things for tomorrow's Kindergarten Team Meeting/Pot-Luck. I talked to Lucy for a few minutes while I was weaving all over the place following Jessica while she bought ingredients for her Taco Dip.

When we checked out, we had a very nasty lady behind us. She was incredibly impatient and RUDE! Yeah, it took us a while because of the way we have to pay for things for the district, but come on! Jessica apologized to her (more than once and very politely) and she wouldn't even respond. She needs to change her attitude for sure!

On the way back to school, we picked up dinner from McDonald's. We ate our dinner, made a billion copies for our assessment binders, organized our assessment binders, and then I worked in my classroom. We finally left around 9:40. Good times to be had by all parties involved :P

Tomorrow, we're going to draw self-portraits. Yay! I'm also hoping for a day with no tears. I had one boy crying today when he got stung by a bee on the playground and then two more boys just bawling today before we got on the buses to go home. I don't think they like the bus very much :( But I told them to sit next to each other, so I'm hoping that helped. It makes me so sad.

Everything I need to know I learned in Kindergarten: Ticky-tack does not stick to painted walls when it's humid. Everything keeps falling down in our room. It's incredibly frustrating! I also learned that most kids songs can be played on the guitar with the chords C, G, and F. Now I just need to try to remember how to play F and I'll be good to go!

The Twins won again last night. Yay for a two game winning streak?

Boyfriend of the Day: Justin Morneau

He was 2 for 3 with 2 RBIs.


At 2:55 PM, Blogger Sarah B. said...

so What sound DOES a giraffe make??

At 11:43 PM, Blogger Sarah B. said...

I know what a sound a giraffe makes now Ackk Ackk Ackk Ackk it kind of sounds something like a bad laugh!

At 1:22 AM, Blogger Janet said...



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