Pretty in Pink

Monday, September 17, 2007

Grilled PB&J

Really, truly... I have the best friends in the entire world! This weekend was filled with some great memories with some of my closest friends. I already told you all about my adventures with Sarah from Friday, and more fun times followed...

Let's start at the beginning. I slept in a little bit this morning and then headed over to feed Lucy's cats. I then spent the next six hours at school. Yes... you heard me right. I graded all the baseline reading tests, I e-mailed some parents, and then I sat down to write my lesson plans. In three hours, I only got three days worth written. Oy vey! It's okay though. I do feel ready to start my week. I'll just stay after school tomorrow and finish up the plans.

After school, I got to go over to Kelly, darling's house for a "fancy" dinner :) She and Aaron Bauer slaved over it for hours (I'm sure!) In all seriousness, it was so nice to have someone cook for me just because they wanted to. The dinner was great, the birthday cake that Kelly made for Aaron was delicious, and we definitely shared some good laughs. After dinner, we colored. I learned Kelly's highly complicated coloring technique and colored her a picture of Eeyore and Roo. We took some very lovely pictures, listened to some music, and then had to part ways. It was a wonderful night. I love Kelly and Aaron more than they possibly know!

I got home and watched the Emmy's with Beth. I was not impressed this year :( The people I wanted to win totally got shafted. Well, for the most part. And honestly, it wasn't even all that funny. Oh well.

The other highlight of my night was an incredibly nice e-mail I got from Lucy's mom. I cried. I know, it's shocking. She said some very kind things and, well, I don't know. I just needed to hear it, I think. So yeah, it was exciting. And also really exciting... I get to go to the last home Twins game of the season on Sunday. YAY!!!

Speaking of the Twins... We lost again today :( The score was 6 to 4. Oh well. Here's to next year being better!

Boyfriend of the Day: Nick Punto

Tiny Superhero (the player, not the fish :P) was 2 for 4 with an RBI and a run. What the frick frack is going on?!


At 9:52 AM, Blogger Sarah B. said...

Sometimes I just don't understand what your titles have to do with anything in your blog?! Are you really just trying to confuse me. What did Kelly and Bauer make you? did you dress for the fancy occasion? I want more details!

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Janet said...

Hahaha! They made me grilled PB&J. And no, I did not dress up.

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Sarah B. said...

I could handle the grilled PB but not the J I don't like Jelly!

At 10:59 AM, Blogger Janet said...

I had only ever had grilled peanut butter before last night. But I actually quite enjoyed the jelly :)

At 1:21 PM, Blogger Joel said...

That actually sounds pretty good. And makes me hungry.

But then again, I'm always hungry. :)

At 10:24 PM, Blogger A. Bauer said...

I might just have to bring one to the first team meeting for Joel. It'll be the perfect room temperature and everything by the time it gets to Stewie.

It was a pleasure to cook for you Janet! I was disappointed that I didn't see you Thursday and I wasn't originally going to see you Sunday, so it was a good time hanging out.

At 11:37 AM, Blogger Joel said...

That would make you the best rector ever, wouldn't it?


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